寿衣娘 - 长篇鬼故事 - 中国鬼故事网

长篇鬼故事 - 寿衣娘

2021-06-19 10:28:34 阅读 :























徐天虎在井下说: “要破这个聚阴宝眼的风水局,第一步就是要牺牲掉至亲之人的性命。我其实知道你在骗我,虎头没有被绑架,他死了。我本来就是想让他探墓,然后制造一次塌方压死他的!”

我心里发毛,俗话说虎毒不食子啊,这老家伙太可怕了!徐天虎继续说: “整座墓顶我都埋了炸药,你不拉我上去我现在就引爆炸药,大不了一起死!”





Introduce:After cave in is gotten into pilfer hole, I just understand, explore grave is not my imagination is medium at all so simple. Explore grave, just as its name implies feels a case namely before formal rob a tomb. Nobody has taken all routes, the cankered plant in soil is given out pungent effluvial, all sorts of insect continuously ground are gotten in past dress. The system that there are a few big fellows in cramped space is smelly, sweat fluid is touching earthy broken bits to keep going to get in collarband, it is to want really much more afflictive have many afflictive. The awfullest is, I still must pretend very easy manner, because I am the head of group of this explore grave. Tiger head collect arrives my in front of say: "Entered a grave after a while you can get a cover to wear me, I do not think dead! " I shake my head say: "Your father a moment ago said on the ground, want to make your all previous experienced. " put on a long face says tiger head: "I in case does all previous drill yesterday is rectified dead? " the singleton that this boy is tiger of day of Xu of old man of rob a tomb, age of Xu day tiger is old, family property can give certainly in the future tiger head is successive. Regrettablly tiger head is a dandy, never pilfer crosses a grave, so Xu Tianhu lets him this come down accordingly designedly explore grave. I this is " accompany prince to hunt " , do not have a law not nervous. Tiger head still wants what to say, the 4 post that take in front however " breath out slowly " : "There is activity in front! " our whereabouts is the first paragraph of corridor after grave door, in front one inky, extensive is worn the algidity face of moldy flavour we are faint come over, sealed fear is pressed so that everybody does not pant to go up come. Transaction was once upon a time transmit in the earthy layer of face upper part, be in it seems that brewing a cave in. Barrow cave in, that can be more terrible than corpse menace. Tiger head is quavery say: "Are we removed first? " I head a group for the first time, be eager to make contributions, cannot pull out of course. 4 post say: "Or else is removed had not enough time! " I to his growl: "I said, cannot remove! " nobody dare object again, everybody goes gingerlily forth, atmosphere is very depressive. Moldy flavour is thicker and thicker, temperature is lower and lower, premonition bodefully also more and more dense. Abrupt, green at 6 o'clock light shined in the darkness in front. I look carefully frighten foolish —— is 6 eyes then, showing the peculiar fierce light in elementary creature eye. And, the distance between these eyes is so close, should be long be in same on the head. Tiger head is frightened so that crouch cry on each other's shoulder, the result is offended so that those eyes looked toward us. I am dark scold, cover his mouth says: "I can save you! " tiger head is some soberer, nod. But be in at this moment, a tremendous strength begins to have the body of tiger head, did not wait for my reaction to come over, feel on the hand immediately one light. The one Jing in my heart, the body that knows tiger head is pulled, only the head is mixed half neck

本文标题:寿衣娘 - 长篇鬼故事


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