死相 - 长篇鬼故事 - 中国鬼故事网

长篇鬼故事 - 死相

2021-06-22 10:43:28 阅读 :























Introduce:If do not have a dream, morpheus and death are on perception did not distinguish? But, how do you know to after the person died, won't daydream? Qi! You had not died again! 1. Who says I had not died? I remember, I seem to had died, and more than. As to why to die, it is how dead wait detail a moment, forgot however. Even, whether to after dying, live to come over, also forgot. Anyway everybody thinks I am living still, then I am forced to pretend living. I everyday insomnia, fall asleep very hard, but I do not count a sheep. I count my man, begin from the first, according to order many a number continues, several a move in chess or a movement in wushu are worn was asleep. Those men, each I am complete ground of body and mind has loved, I and their acquaintance, mutual attract, date next, take him to come home finally or come home with him, next …… awaits him to disappear from the scene. The first my man is the student that a preparative take an examination ofing grinds, not be probably, but he is so tell me. I am read in those days big one, QQ just fashionable. We pass QQ understanding, next word of each other electrify, fall in love at first sight next, come home with him finally. I fall asleep in his bosom that evening, but when awaking, discover he disappears however into thin air, and be not heard of any more from now on. The service that the 2nd my man is a bar is unripe, probably he is the 3rd, I am written down all the time the teacher learns after all in not be clear about he and that who is prevenient who is hind, but this is not important. Important is, the first they and my man is same, be in disappear from the scene the following day. In fact, each my man later is such, decay of the meeting after this makes me suspect this is falling asleep becomes a devil, the man that sleeps every together with me eats work raw to swallow, resemble horrible movie in in that way. Because of this my fear Morpheus, count a man only, ability makes me loath fall asleep. I am counted one by one, drop when leakage a certain when, I can begin to be counted afresh from the first, be in everyday like me on the way home like several telegraph pole, miscount when I can be returned count again, my maths is bad all the time, this brings about me to want to waste a lot of time on the road that come off work everyday. But, in fact, my man is not much, do not exceed 8 in all, but I am not counted every time, every frequency goes to the 4th or the 5th when, feel among leaked it seems that a certain, next cannot ground of keep within limits rises from the first number, try to search that leakage to drop some male. So, strictly speaking, I am not asleep when the man that counts me, fall asleep when searching a certain man however. 2. The wife that I instruct Lie of a few crooked melon the jujube in club of a fitness does gem gal, inspiratory in the musical sound of soft beauty, expiratory

本文标题:死相 - 长篇鬼故事

上一篇:幽灵的摇篮曲 下一篇:恶有恶报


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