皮影戏 - 长篇鬼故事 - 中国鬼故事网

长篇鬼故事 - 皮影戏

2021-06-28 11:29:48 阅读 :


























Introduce:Buddha says: Life by oneself go to, be born by the heart. Temporal all is to change. The heart is not moved, neither of everythings on earth is moved. The heart is changeless, neither of everythings on earth changes. —— preface 1, travel of ground of high speed of car route train is worn, inside some railroad car, the business that 3 students feel the person of appearance to sit on the seat to keep is worn. Style of writing is rotating on the white paper of one page page, write on paper full all sorts of information about shadowgraph. If be Shanghai S,old student is opposite certainly these 3 people are not new: Meng Fan, zhang Yu, tan Kefei. The best of its kind that they are course of mankind of legal medical expert is strange, ever assisted police to uncover murder case one case. This, 3 people are to finish the summer vacation time that the school arranges to carry out an activity together again: Study classic culture of China. They are consistent make choice of is research task with shadowgraph. July the last ten-day of a month, the task of 3 people considered to visit the phase of investigation on the spot. Then, they set foot on the journey that heads for birthplace of Shaanxi —— shadowgraph. The train sails in channel, the small town of a history that accumulating massiness through years ablution is awaiting them ……2, will arrive suddenly first on July 26 morning, 3 people issued the train, turned bus, reached county of Xi Hua of destination —— Shaanxi eventually (call Gu Hua the city formerly) . 3 people take a leisurely walk come to market. Ask before the aunt that Tan Kefei walks along to to lower his head to arrange vegetable: "Aunt, the master worker that there is joint performance leather-silhouette show near here excuse me? " aunt raises a head, holding nonstandard mandarin to answer: "Have, how can be that worn! But craft most absolutely is foliaceous experienced worker. " " do you know where he lives then? " " gave market to see toward on right spirit away one paragraph of road the old house of a blue is. " after Tan Kefei has thanked aunt, preparing to leave, aunt cries agog again: "Girl, if you are interested in shadowgraph, will go the day after tomorrow the ancestral temple of the county watchs leather shadow joint performance! " the face aunt that Tan Kefei appreciates laughs, 3 people gave market. Row one Duan Lu hind, they came to by outside before the house of two buildings of wall inclose. This house is located before a quiet cropland. The Qi Zao of the blue on the wall already fell off do not become model, appear very old old. Fireweed freely grows all round house, no matter how the picture enough before gives a person a kind of desolate sense. "Ke Fei, do you decide here is the home of foliaceous experienced worker? " Zhang Yu part hesitates. Tan Kefei is wanting to answer Meng Fan however mix into comes in, "Be for certain! There is other blue house again all round this. " say, differ two people reaction is considered oneself from the door before hauling a door

本文标题:皮影戏 - 长篇鬼故事

上一篇:惊情茶马道 下一篇:都市怪谈之墨香


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