磨鲽沙诡案 - 长篇鬼故事 - 中国鬼故事网

长篇鬼故事 - 磨鲽沙诡案

2021-06-28 11:30:10 阅读 :























Introduce:The treasure in fokelore, let a person perish for it, fierce case happens one after another, the truth makes a person clutch wrist ……1. Desperate a young man is supporting sb with hand an older man, the gazebo carrying a layer on the head of an old building in the village in coming to the city. "Xu Ge, how? Be still maintained so that live? " young man asks. "Do not matter. " the old man of Xu Ge be callinged is called Xu Chi. He is covering the cut that abdomen bleeds, sit to the ground. What he suffers is bullet wound, also do not know bullet to have an injury to reach splanchnic, young man sees state, cannot help dropping the tear comes. "Do not cry, defend . We still have the task to want to finish. They already the tight encirclement below cloth, I medium bullet wound, be afraid of only is to escaped not to go out. But you still have an opportunity, wait meeting my draw away they. You are taking a thing to think method escapes. " Xu Chi says, draw out bag of cloth of a black from the bosom, was in 15 pearl inside on the hand that protects . "Xu Ge, this …… " the voice that defends is a little angry, his absolutely cannot think of, it is for 15 pearl only actually, he and Xu pool are about to desertion for this life. Xu Chi mouth sighed, pat the shoulder that defends , say: "This is not common pearl, they are called ' the sand that grind plaice ' ! " " the sand that grind plaice? " defend to repeat, he has listened to obliterate the past history of plaice sand. Allegedly, in Ming Dynasty Jia Jing year, japanese pirates harrass, sea merchant huge trade for seek interest, unexpectedly with Japanese pirates collude, sell smuggled goods. The sand that grind plaice is gigantic merchant given the content assorted that Japanese pirates all gets Xu Hai at that time, according to legend grinds plaice sand to hide at deep-sea, search very hard, pearl itself not only fruity connect fully, more sending out extraordinary fragrance. After sea of Xu of Japanese pirates boss gets pearl, give oneself wife Wang. Xu Hai is plagiarizesended armed forces to suppress after, the hand of Wang driftage serpent, be made fun of by take turns rape or seduce, wang can'ts bear be insulted finally casting water take one's own life. Fishing person salvages her to disembark when, discovery is containing in her mouth " the sand that grind plaice " . After a few months, the person that employs Wang at the outset unexpectedly in succession cruel kill, there also is a sand that grind plaice in his mouth. Common people considers as fetch of Wang bad luck to lend the Sha Suo that grind plaice the lot, regard the sand that grind plaice as extremely terrible thing so. "Xu Ge, is grinding plaice sand hard into these the ancient objects that stays when Ming Dynasty? Even if such, unapt also our compensate life grabs his come! " defend to indissoluble the ground says. Xu Chi mouth sighed, say: "Person of folktale most classics is fabricated cannot use up a letter. " then, he is abrupt by the side of the ear that defend murmur a few. Defend to listen to turn pale with fright immediately, tremble all over: " …… …… "

本文标题:磨鲽沙诡案 - 长篇鬼故事

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