黑白僵煞 - 长篇鬼故事 - 中国鬼故事网

长篇鬼故事 - 黑白僵煞

2021-06-29 09:17:32 阅读 :













Introduce:Dig grave in the middle of the night " you are careful bit ah, in case this grave excavate, there is a corpse really inside bier, we everybody does not run. " Wu Yong stands below a large tree, remind flusteredly. "You still call Wu Yong, ' brave ' where be? Courage is smaller than mice. If there is corpse really inside this grave, the first those who bite is you. " talking is Qi Fangping, there is shovel in his hand, ground is shovelling graveyard earth. I brushed the sweat that gets on the face, did not pay attention to them, shovelling the earth on graveyard bag attentively. If say be a holiday then not to fear, who meets we should like to ask do not sleep in the middle of the night greatly, doesn't at a loose end have a thing to run come here to dig grave? In case the corpse that says in big members of a family appears before us really, how should we do? Be when I am cranky, the shovel in the hand shovelled a hard thing suddenly, gave out " clank " . Back-to-back I feel the palm is prickled one blast, throw away hastily shovel, ground of scalp pins and needles backed down one pace. I am pointing to the graveyard bag of excavate panic-strickenly, want to speak out the thing that just produces, but be like in the mouth,be stemmed by what thing general, send even sound do not come out. Qi Fangping sees me this deputy Song appearance, just wanted to scold me, listened to be removed by the noise in the grave of excavate " phut phut " sound. Qi Fangping also was done not have foregoing bold and powerful, turn the head asks me: "Do you hear voice? " I nod can helplessly only, do not say to give a word as before. The Wu Yong that stands below the tree sees I and Qi Fangping are the about with one scared face, quavery ask: "How, how, did there is sth fishy appear? " Wu Yong's one's voice in speech just fell, I see graveyard earth acutely is vibratile rise. Had not waited for reaction of our there's still time, an inky board flew from grave, straight straight ground is bungled toward Wu Yong. That is a piece of bier board actually. Not bad Wu Yong hides quickly, not by bier board in be bungled, also do not get remnant be breakinged to death otherwise. Bier board falls in the place that Wu Yong is standing before, after shaking a few times, "Phut " the ground one was in on the ground. Wu Yong is frightened pair of leg hair are softly, one buttock paralysis sits in the ground, covering wind, complexion is pale the ground is panting. at this moment, " " sound rings from the back of I and Qi Fangping. We two terrifying the ground turns overdo, see the long Bai Mao on a forehead " person " climbed from grave, ground of one face fierce look looks at us 3 people. "Mom, ghost, wool of cadaver body length! " I and ground of neat square smooth all with one voice are crying, also consider must not go collecting shovel, pulling five brave fart to roll make water to shed the ground in the past forward school orientation runs. Blame me curiosity is too heavy, listened to what just make the same score together to incite, run to dig grave to see what corpse with him. I am early know Qi Fangping is one

本文标题:黑白僵煞 - 长篇鬼故事

上一篇:隐形谋杀 下一篇:魔胎


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