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长篇鬼故事 - 提头来见

2021-06-29 09:17:49 阅读 :











Introduce:Conflict Lin Xiaoyuan put summer vacation ahead of schedule, the Zheng Tao of high school classmate that looks for oneself to H city plays. Agree originally, zheng Tao can receive him to the railway station, but issued the train when him, received Zheng Tao's telephone call however. When the other side says feel sorrily to face occupied, smoke not one's previous experience will receive him. Lin Xiaoyuan is paid no attention to, according to the Zheng Tao directive in the phone, sat to be driven toward the bus of the university that Zheng Tao reads. The person on the car is very much, lin Xiaoyuan is standing in congested crowd, become aware oneself waist wants to be squeezed is fine. He is feeling depressed, feel a hand suddenly to extend the lap that entered his in. Lin Xiaoyuan lowers his head hard to look, see a particularly pale hand was smoked in the rapidly lap from oneself only go out. Discover in time because of him fortunately, that hand did not take out his what thing. Regrettablly is, lin Xiaoyuan saw that hand only, fail to find out its host according to that hand. Although do not have by spirit away thing, lin Xiaoyuan still feels a palpitate. When he extends the hand into lap to check, the lap that discovers oneself awesomely not only without little what, much instead same thing. Lin Xiaoyuan took that thing subliminally. What is he still does not have there's still time to look, the hand was captured suddenly however. "Thief! " the sound of a pointed severe cried immediately. Lin Xiaoyuan goes up for an instant red face, refute aloud: "I am not thief, this is just somebody fills in to move round into me in. " call this word, he just looks clear to call the person of own thief, that is one is wearing thick myopic looking glass with age schoolboy. "Lie! The thing is in your hand, don't you still admit? " the explanation that that schoolboy hears Lin Xiaoyuan far from, maintaining him is thief. Congested everybody also stands to glasses schoolboy beyond, gush is worn saliva censures Lin Xiaoyuan. Lin Xiaoyuan never has encountered this kind of situation, gas gets brain a blank, crying to want to call the police greatly. At this moment the bus stopped however, the everybody on the car is being mocked, in censuring, resemble clearing drove him from the car like rubbish come down. Lin Xiaoyuan lung should enrage scamper, made a telephone call to Zheng Tao immediately, did not cry very angrily in the phone: "Will receive me at once! " after half hour, zheng Tao takes a taxi will receive Lin Xiaoyuan. In Zheng Tao pacify by every means below, lin Xiaoyuan used ability for ages to appease anger. At this moment, zheng Tao comes mysteriously on ground collect suddenly say: "Do you still remember treating unjustly you the appearance of that boy? The look that wants you to be able to draw him only comes, I can help you retaliate him. " Lin Xiaoyuan is believed far from, zheng Tao vows solemnly however. To let Lin Xiaoyuan believe, zheng Tao is held in both hands come out dirty old wooden box, opened before Lin Xiaoyuan's face. Lin Xiaoyuan saw the thing in the box, fall immediately

本文标题:提头来见 - 长篇鬼故事

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