诡镯 - 长篇鬼故事 - 中国鬼故事网

长篇鬼故事 - 诡镯

2021-10-09 14:08:52 阅读 :




























Introduce:Chapter1 tonight the sky waves falling drizzle, every little bit from empty decline come down, few and far between drip-drop is hit on the window outside electric car, bang bang the ground is ringing, rain is bigger and bigger, gradually, external the window rose thin thin mirage, however night such black such dark, even if want to see well the scenery of out also is not so easy. See watch fast at 12 o'clock, cross half an hour to be able to return a stage again south, the body feels trifling exhaustion, play really today too late, be afraid of not to come since tomorrow really. Inside the railroad car of this one trolley that I take, without what person, only inclined on have alone middleaged person of the arm, he looks like a hobo, of with hair dishevelled. Say to also be blamed, do not know why he often always looks at the black leather case that is put in his foot edge and me, mutter next what saying, let a person not by feel a cool meaning flits gently from mind. Before long, the car arrives " Lin Feng battalion " , stand below even if " Long Tian " , look the train does not have behind schedule today, pass again half hours can return a stage south. Electric car continues to walking, before long inclined the stranger on stood, leave one station is he about? Thank heaven, however its development is not the appearance that I imagine however. Stranger comes to the front of my body, the black leather case that gets on the hand was put, put before my calcaneal, "I am sorry, I think a toilet on one times, can you ask you to help me see leather case? " this stranger started to talk, allow other of my some be surprised, ah? I still think he is a spirit unusual person, but a bit problem does not have the snout that listened to him to talk, want exclusively to say strange place, it is the mood with unusual then heavy Bei, feel he seems to had experienced the journey with many miserable life. I nod slightly, laughed gently accordingly, answered his demand. He loosened it seems that it seems that at a heat, the toilet that goes up toward the car at once goes, look he was borne very long, pardonable also he just behaves strangely, it is him so hold back of hold back make water is too long, feel embarrassed to appeal to me again. Before long the car stopped, the car arrived " Long Tian " station, saw the time on watch, 12:3, at that time bathroom door was opened, stranger rushed from the toilet hastily, get off, I join call his opportunity is done not have, door was shut. Look I have the railway station austral the stage only, go hanging lost property announce the finding of lost property again. (Phantom: HTtp:/// is reprinted ask reservation! ) 12:30, the station austral the stage arrived, rain also stopped, dark at night layer upon layer black clouds came dispersedly. The leather suitcase that carries in the hand, I think of to take originally car long room, go regarding as lost property announce the finding of lost property, however mind had peculiar change however, think suddenly

本文标题:诡镯 - 长篇鬼故事

上一篇:五阴盘 下一篇:渡魂公交车


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