影子坟怪谈 - 长篇鬼故事 - 中国鬼故事网

长篇鬼故事 - 影子坟怪谈

2021-10-19 10:46:25 阅读 :





公园四周没灯,幸好月色不错,还能照见芳草萋萎的林荫路。胡超忽然想起来,这座公园已经荒废了,暂时无人管理。他嘀咕了一声: “陈岚是怎么回事啊,选个约会地址也是重口味?”

与陈岚面面相对时,胡超手捧玫瑰,正打算把酝酿多时的甜言蜜语一古脑儿地说出来。陈岚忽然狠狠地打了他一个耳光: “你既然爱我,为什么要害我?”

胡超惊得目瞪口呆,抚着火辣辣的脸颊说: “陈岚,这事从何说起?”

陈岚幽幽地叹了一口气,说: “这是命啊!”接着讲了一个故事:








陈岚凄然一笑说: “是的,我已是无影之人,留在这世上的时间已经不多了……”




奇人救助陈岚的吸阴气之术阴差阳错地被破解,胡超后悔莫及,颤抖着声音说: “那我还能帮上你吗?”

陈岚绝望地摇摇头,说: “你如果爱我,就陪我度过最后几个时辰吧。因为怪病,我内心一直拒绝爱情,从不知道被人爱或者爱一个人是什么滋味。现在,让我好好体会一下吧。”说罢,陈岚轻轻地把头靠在胡超的肩上,闭目不语。





Introduce:Plum of henchman Zhao board feels somebody is dogging always recently her, the sort of feeling one, fierce bout head, cannot discover any clues again however. This kind of feeling lets a person very accurate, resemble beside conceal an allergy peeps mad. She feels this kind and the classmate holds boudoir sweet Chen Lan concurrently to say, chen Lan close watch sympathizes with, say afraidly: "Did you contract hysteria disease? Look for psychological doctor to adjust. " Zhao Lamei is depressed and clinking, it is to make friend really inadvertent, the word is not congenial half many, be disinclined to answer Chen Lan. Lie between a few days, chen Lan is nervous the ground says to Zhao Lamei: "Day, I seemed to also be dogged! " the besides the school place that two people begin memory to be had been to recently, found to nod jointly eventually: Communal rubbish pool. Two people be seized by a whim, go together rubbish pool week is investigated one time, but taste is too bad, be forced to wear big guaze mask. But Chalaicha goes also doing not have a result, they are forced to stand in rubbish dump edge to be born fuggy. Chen Lan is looked at allow a sky to pull coal tub easily, one foot steps on ground of in a huff, "Bang " . At this moment uncle of an environmental sanitation is passed fitly, say: "What do two old girls learn bad to slant learn a person to collect rubbish, it is heavy taste really. " Chen Lan is stupefied, be ashamed gets feel too ashamed to show one's face, the classical movement of the person that so oneself a moment ago imitated a glean and collect scraps not carefully, was misunderstood, run away with Zhao Lamei rapidly. Two people catch memory, find to nod jointly again eventually: Funeral parlour! A few days ago accident of a classmate dies, two people ever the in tandem goes hold a memorial ceremony for. Zhao Lamei and Chen Lan feel to go up personally one cold, resemble evil wind has blown: The soul that is a classmate is dogging she two, what to want to work? For affection, for enemy, be still gas suction this world? They want to fear more more, be watched then together sought two pieces of magic figures drawn by Taoist priests to invoke or expel spirits and bring good or ill fortune that press down ghost. But still trashy, the sense that is dogged is stronger and stronger. Two people dare not bathe even, be afraid of the discharge outside spring scenery, time is a bit long feel to go up personally afflictive, with respect to stealthily rub mud ball. This scene is exceeded by classmate moustache casual see, removed gooseflesh immediately all over: Two beautiful belles learn the fascia action with official aid, really heavy taste! (Phantom: HTtp:/// is reprinted ask reservation! ) Hu Chao is a careful person, he adores Chen Lan all the time, just oneself have familial transmissibility heart disease, passed alive besides the grandfather 70, father and uncle die at prime of life, concern invites old haze be put into trouble because of this matter, show love actively without courage all the time. Hu Chao understands Chen Lan's associate with very clearly, knowing her is a girl that loves clean particularly, why can you can't bear so? Then he begins to be investigated stealthily, regard breach as nerve is big Zhao Lamei, 3 ask two after asking, got he wants

本文标题:影子坟怪谈 - 长篇鬼故事

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