探墓童子 - 长篇鬼故事 - 中国鬼故事网

长篇鬼故事 - 探墓童子

2021-10-20 11:00:27 阅读 :


洞口马上就被人封上了,接着传出一阵尖细的笑声。我瘫倒在地上,绝望地望着白先增说: “你早就知道他们会这样做?”

白先增的目光还停留在那具尸骨上,目光里满是柔情: “你知道这是谁的尸骨吗?”

我还没有问,他就回答道: “你一定会问,我和黄二宝到底有什么仇恨非要搞得你死我活。黄二宝会告诉你的。”说完,他转过身来,看着被封的洞口处。

那个尖细的笑声停下来,换成了一副得意洋洋的公鸭嗓: “白先增,你上次明明已经逃出去了,为什么还要回来?这次,你落到我黄二宝的手里,必死无疑啦!”



黄二宝笑得更厉害了: “你不死,我怎么能安心找墓王之墓?你以为你学会了养‘探路童子’的事我不知道?我是故意让你学会的,这样我才能让‘探路童子’把你引到这个地方。可惜,上次让你逃走了。没想到你又自投罗网,这可怪不得我了吧!”


“哈哈!你养的‘探路童子’都被我杀掉了!”黄二宝叫道, “我既然能在‘探路童子’身上做手脚,把你引到这里,我也能杀掉他们。一个不剩。没有人来救你了!”


他不是哭了吧?我更绝望了,嘶声叫道: “放我出去!”

黄二宝故作惋惜地叹了口气: “我早就说过,他会害死你的,你偏不听。”











从墓室里出来,白先增仰望着正缓缓升起的明月,喃喃道: “世上光明的地方很多,为什么有人非要往墓室里钻呢?”



Introduce:The bed swarmed darkness in next unmanned rooms, below a moon discharge, can bring trifling light only however. I hide in the corner of the room, staring at that piece of bed closely. Now already is midnight, cold sweat drips eyeball of pleasant to see, I obliterate hurriedly, for fear that misses the scene that is about to appear. Number day comes, every time I lie on the bed, always can hear the laughter that children transmits below the bed. At first, I was not cared about, think that is the child of neighbour home, until have one evening, I sleep lightly from inside sleep, confused ground sees a child crosses the door of the bedroom, slowly below the bed that climbs me. Remember that scene every time, I tremble not self-consciously all over rise. Now day, I should end all these. I see watch, when why that child returns doubt to did not appear, half body that sees that child had crossed wooden door. He is blood all over, the hair bends over to go up in metabolic head commonly as withered grass, the face is compressed actually, seem to had been squashed by what, nose is in a remnant the cavity of a black. The eye of color of that double blank, appearing weird smile. I shrink in the corner, the body becomes rigid rise. "It sees those who be less than you, must not fear to moment. " if I remembered Bai Xianzeng. The child climbed a bed eventually. I am sucked greatly at a heat, jump hurriedly, dialed Bai Xianzeng's mobile telephone. "He went in. " (phantom: HTtp:/// is reprinted ask reservation! ) " good! Now, you zip the bed. " Bai Xianzeng's word is desultory, he is like the place that closes in, mobile phone signal is bad. My shakily takes out a piece of flue, get on bedspread, just loosened truly at this moment at a heat. According to Bai Xianzeng's view, after hood flue, the child also went not to come again. All these also ended. "When do you come over? I had captured him. " the cry that the mobile phone transmits Bai Xianzeng that to frighten suddenly, next, I hear another person to cry: "He came out, he came out! " " bang " , the mobile phone of the other side drops the voice on the ground, next again silence. I fear to rise again, because I know how to should handle the child below the bed next far from! I let Bai Xianzeng and me grab a child together originally, but, he says to an important thing wants to do, let me catch a child to inform him again. Bai Xianzeng confronted what issue, I do not know. My cerebra is already fast by scared boil. "It is you! " a sound is transmitted, I listen piece, that is Bai Xianzeng's sound. I stick the mobile telephone in side side hurriedly, this ability thinks of, the mobile phone breaks a string early. From where does that sound come? My look turned to a bed to fall. Sound is issue those who transmit from the bed! But, over there

本文标题:探墓童子 - 长篇鬼故事

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