聊斋故事之义狐 - 民间鬼故事 - 中国鬼故事网

民间鬼故事 - 聊斋故事之义狐

2021-06-16 01:03:27 阅读 :


































Introduce:Tall cerebra bag grows coarse, satisfying be apt to. Others work as a farm laborer, total hope advocate the home gives a dot commission more, tall cerebra bag not after he always meets —— to wither in sound of tunnel of the in a low when settle accounts, go back 9 copper cash. Have more very person, to the employer with a few really embarrassed family circumstances, his a single cent or penny is not taken. Others laugh he is foolish, he says: "Those end get the someone that jingles noisy, if nonentity does not have method, who can spend money to employ a person? Of villager of home village or town, can help help! " although tall is big the head is alone, be utterly destitute, but he always is used up oneself can help deficient aid up to strand. See run out of rice and fuel of old person of orphans and widows, he himself would rather starve, also want to give an old person eating province. The goodness of strong tall cerebra bag is solid sincere, the person that seeks his work as a farm laborer is very much. This, those who look for tall cerebra bag is introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad widow. Introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad widow is ab extra door, a the womenfolk is being taken year young children, get water of clear soup few alive. Who to hold the post of to be able to be guessed, this handicraft work must carry tall cerebra bag in vain again. Also have mischievous sinister plot make eyes path: "Money calculates a fart, did not permit this foolish man can when will run, give in peach blossom to carry …… " groups big guess wrong —— charming is spruce but introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad widow of the person was not made with body photograph, gave tall cerebra bag treasure of 10 gold dollar however. Tall cerebra bag immediately terrified lived. Hey, be modest about one's skill of this young a polite form of address for a young woman! Of course, return amazedly amazed, tall cerebra bag won't receive these gold. The wheat that cut two mus of ground is adscititious built the house top of leakage rain, which are worth so tall recompense? Introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad widow insists to want, firm demit does not get tall cerebra bag. Introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad widow is helpless under, speak oneself true identity. "Concubine body moustache handsomes is fox essence originally, love each other because of leaving with laic road, enraged long already to my covet cold demon gentleman. For discharge personal spite, this demon head employs supreme supernatural power, was about to borrow thunderbolt to kill me, fortunately accumulate virtue of do good works of favour fair always has divine Buddha shelter, children just has escaped disaster. " as if wakening from a dream of tall big head: During no wonder builds house, na Jinglei always is seeking that room that cut grass. That child face does not have panic of redness of skin at that time unceasingly, it is oneself hold him in the arms Yu Huaizhong, cannot think of to aid him to spend big disaster unexpectedly. "Although Hu Yan is not the mankind, also know however be thankful. Ask favour official business to receive thin reward this a little bit surely, marry a son's wife, open a branch to come loose leaf, such concubine body ability feel the heart is installed nominal. " tall cerebra bag shakes his head: "Child escape by the skin of one's teeth is not recieve a reward without make a merit of providential …… Qiao Mou, you went to 5 copper cash. " bag of cerebra seeing tall is such, hu Yan respects even more, was obliged to take 5 copper cash to give him. Hu Yan pulled a son to be done obeisance to to tall cerebra bag 3 do obeisance to, change

本文标题:聊斋故事之义狐 - 民间鬼故事


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