内涵鬼故事 - 高智商鬼故事之电视机

2021-06-16 00:04:18 阅读 :

























Introduce:Summer vacation plays to rural native place, honest amorous feelings of the country and extensive land are beautiful all the more, bring me infinite inspiration, let the student that I do not love this to learn also begin to immerse oneself in write an exercise to come! Everyday two things are early morning goes out ramble, breathe fresh air, widen open mind, come back to learn instantly, the holiday of two months still has done not have a half my exercise was finished 80% ! This day of late night, of lunar Gong Gong hang horizon, as a result of the village appoint can send an announcement to say power failure two days afternoon, do not have the lamp to do not have TV to see nature dull, the what anybody of the village did not sleep, surround into a few circles to be at the door our home chat, one person sits a pony difficult to handle is medium grasp a palm-leaf fan, you of my spirit! I also sit by the elder sister, dedicated audition is worn the elder sister is told do not know to hear the rumor that come from which! "Do you know? The country has exceed bloodcurdling hearsay! " the face below abrupt shade comes to the elder sister, move topic says with depressive tone. "What hearsay? Even if again horrible be also a person make up? ! " I am brought up in the city as a child, to ghosts and gods one kind beats dead to be not believed, believe science only. "Allegedly, when the moon is very red or the sees TV do not close to sleep in the evening person midnight when the moon is obscured completely rises there is a long hair before can seeing … TV set red garment female ghost oh! Because the moon is red with be obscured represent nether world gas is the heaviest! Ghost shows a body with respect to organic meeting! A lot of people had been experienced personally, you love a letter to be not believed! " " cut! " the person that my heart considers to write this story does not have brain really, atmosphere of a bit horror is done not have, how to hit moving heart to believe? Shake then shake one's head go upstairs sleep … " breathe out breathe out breathe out … " there is 56 classes fierce wind outside the window, I lie on the bed, only the television is shining in the bedroom, sow newspaper news to put soap opera a little while a little while, "Irritated dead! " there is sit up body in my heart, firm preparation stretchs his hand go taking a remote controller to close TV, at the moment ignore one red, bright and beautiful gown, hair grows red of a dress long feminine back is standing straight to me! TV is placed before the bed to be not worth half meters place, go to the lavatory what be namely lying to watch TV! And now, one is mixed in elder sister mouth exactly like long hair woman stands before the television, glow all the more dazzling! "Give a talking-to, not bad she did not discover I rise … " I sucked an air conditioning, the feeling that shudder covers the whole body, gooseflesh reached incomputable level! On the world impossible there is sth fishy ah … is waited a moment, I moved small one toward left, see the woman outline that is held off by long hair, resemble an elder sister really! "Travel, it is your gally so I, see me tomorrow how debunk you! " although slept several bells

本文标题:高智商鬼故事之电视机 - 内涵鬼故事


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