在雨中清洗双手 - 内涵鬼故事 - 中国鬼故事网

内涵鬼故事 - 在雨中清洗双手

2021-06-16 00:04:14 阅读 :



















Introduce:Classes are over moment rained heavily again, I hide temporarily one civilian curtilage below eave, although say,be others doorway, but this is planted now moment, consider must not can bother others. I open a mobile phone, screen inky. Be abhorrent! Go out illuminate all things of Shi Mingming sunshine, did not carry an umbrella, the mobile phone also forgot to charge, cannot call pa Mom to carry, really impolitic. "Little little brother, did not carry an umbrella? " passed probably a few minutes, the iron gate of backside is opened, a tall thin man is laughing to ask to me. The resident that is this house? Look at the smile on man face, my awkward inclination. The man grows well still, have mongrel feeling, however cannot bright saying is which country blood relationship. Laugh to have shallow dimple, the fraction other the hair is small roll, have bit of disagreement body besides the dress, besides too short Ju Weikuan, it is a handsome young man. "Should come in take shelter from the rain? " he looks at me to say, the smile is not decreased. Pitter-patter big, look short time is impossible to stop, "Won't troublesome? " I ask, although had determined the result of the other side, but this some courtesy still wants to have. "Won't, I just also came off work, encounter this heavy rain. I know this kind of feeling, did not carry an umbrella very be fed up with be opposite. " he is blinked to me blink an eye, express tacit. I also smile to him, nod: "Thank elder brother. " he opens iron gate, how-to I am walked into. House exterior and general civilian do not have curtilage 2 send, a garage is after going in, a clean and neat white car. Umbrella bucket is in door right, the full umbrella bucket upper part of a place of strategic importance has an abrupt blue to fold alternate umbrella; Ajar shoe ark is in the door is left, various shoe money also fills in completely inside. I am coagulating the god thinks, hear the voice of the key suddenly, I answer a god, house advocate, his key drops the ground, he is bowing pick up, laughing to muttered to say to me: "I am sorry, a person lives to just moved to still be familiar with an environment not quite. " I nod, see him continue to be strung together from the key in find out the key that closes with gate keyhole, laughing to say: "I think or should be not disturbed good, can you lend me an umbrella excuse me? Myself walk home is good. " " not troublesome, come in sit. Outside with so big even if maintain an umbrella to also be met drenched. " he persuades me to stay continuously, I am euphemistic and firm ground refused. He nods eventually, saw umbrella barrel, took most above that umbrella that fold alternate, of blue. " this, also need not return, it is an umbrella just. " he laughs. I was stupefied one second, reach a hand hesitantly slightly, receive next umbrella. When just taking shelter from rain, rainwater hits wet trouser, allow chill upgrade change to wind. "Favour, thank elder brother. " my painfully mouth, control the fear of desert, keep normal pace, walk out of iron gate, open the umbrella, coagulate

本文标题:在雨中清洗双手 - 内涵鬼故事


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