魔胎 - 长篇鬼故事 - 中国鬼故事网

长篇鬼故事 - 魔胎

2021-06-29 09:17:32 阅读 :
































Introduce:One 4 minutes when I am born ago, fraught father is being caught up with toward the way home to drop unfortunately next cliff have one's body smashed to pieces, after 4 minutes when I am born, because haemorrhage crosses much be difficult to do and the mother dies, and close a key point forever in the mother that momently, the midwife deliverance from the hardship in maternal abdomen little sister. When the sister is born mouth lock, midwife rises the handstand of ground of face of foot of day of her head day, next of firm firm flapping her buttock, the little sister is going up that piece of red face, brandishing puerile both hands is in what the sky takes pain to to struggling, abrupt, her magnify mouth, turned all spirit with sufficient hold back into laugh, send irremediable laughed to rise. Little sister laugh is very barpque, asing if is wear in chant language of a line magic figures drawn by Taoist priests to invoke or expel spirits and bring good or ill fortune, so that frighten the midwife that gets experience Taoist priest of one face livid, in her " ah " cry in fear one acoustical hind, resembling what also do not think like demon throwing the little sister. The little sister was thrown to be on the side of me side by midwife conveniently, we lie on that piece of dirty and messy big bed together, it is gradually low on the side go the mother of temperature. The little sister's both hands ases if to be worn by same thing drawing, in the brandish that alwayses enjoy it in sky, irremediable still sends in the mouth give out strange laugh, her lock is worn double eye, lie is worn the mouth, look is very funny, then, I also follow her yock to rise. That one instant that the mouth laughs is stretched in me, the face of midwife arrives by blueness white, in was stupefied after a few seconds, abrupt mad also like swung open the door to rush out, I hear her to catch mad disease to breathing out: Demon embryo, fast bearer ah below …… Liu Caisheng is pair of demon embryoes. Her disease cry is hysterical, wave to cannot drop off in the for a long time in the courtyard! I and 2 little sisters are being sent into by the grandma of old the following day " cabinet Yan Shan " . The day of that one night that we are born falls madly rainstorm, tortuous hill path appears after the ablution of rainstorm Ning slips again, there is a little sister on grandma back, left hand is holding my right hand in the arms to standing tall and upright crutch, she the body of that delicate in health is on muddy hill road every make a move appears so demanding. Our back follows the person of one swarm village: Male, female, old, little, it is neither one person has the sign that will help on an any silk only. Their cautious shift is worn the each pace below the foot, follow closely in grandma back to dare not lean too nearly again however, the gravity of one face. I think, probably they are not not to wish to help, however not dare, after because yesterday evening midwife is running,giving a courtyard, sent mad. The person of the village says we are demon embryoes, touch meet adversity is ceaseless! "Cabinet hill thing gate of a lane " not be a hill, however a temple, it is the ground of a way of way of hellcat put to good use that makes yellow aunt, have 10 only from the village

本文标题:魔胎 - 长篇鬼故事

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