长篇鬼故事 - 英文 对死亡诗社的影评

2022-12-01 13:23:28 阅读 :

英文 对死亡诗社的影评


Seize the days

It’s never a new issue that whether one’s score or spiritual pursue is more essential for a person. There’s no doubt that the higher score can make you be admitted by better universities, but what’s that for? Our life is not only for getting high marks, but many other things as well. That’s what the movie Dead Poets Society wants to tell us.

The movie was filmed by Peter Weir in 1988, and its cast included Robin McLaurim Williams, Ethan Hawke and so on. The movie won the Oscar nomination in 1990. It told a story that students in Wilton Noble School hated their school, as well as their English teacher, who had graduated from the school, John Keating (acted by Williams). Mr. Keating asked the students to tore their textbooks and stood on the desks. He also taught them to ‘Carpe Diem’. The students found that he had attended the ‘Dead poets’ before, and they consulted Keating about that. However, one day, one of his students, Chris Neil, committed suicide because of his argument with his father. The school forced the students to prove Keating’s guilt and finally judged that Keating should be responsible to that, and he was dismissed. When he was about to leave, the students’ conscience made them stand on the desks, just as Mr. Keating had taught them, to show their advocacy on Keating’s opinion. Smiling comfortingly, Keating left the school, but he was convinced that his opinion had left a deep impression on the students.

From my perspective, John Keating is the saver of student’s souls. He told the students that poems couldn’t be measured by statistics, which was totally against the textbook. He also turned the students’ attitude towards poems from scorn to admiration. That’s the mental demand beyond scores. Keating was a betrayer as the school’s teacher, but he indeed opened another door to the great great world for students. As a teacher, a person who lead the students to a high level, he was wonderful. Maybe he and Wilton Noble School were born opposite.

If I have chance, I’ll be glad to recommend the heart-shaking movie to everyone, because it’s absolutely worth watching.

本文标题:英文 对死亡诗社的影评 - 长篇鬼故事


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