猩氏混混车 FN2TYPER - 长篇鬼故事 - 中国鬼故事网

长篇鬼故事 - 猩氏混混车 FN2TYPER

2023-03-26 06:37:28 阅读 :

猩氏混混车 FN2TYPER

本文核心词:本田,大猩猩,洗剪吹,废铁,不适,FN2,Jeremy Clarkson,思域Type R

The only car Ive been able to use these past few days has been the new Honda Civic Type R, and if youre a young man youre probably salivating with envy at this point.


The old Civic Type R was the car of choice for those who listen to their stereos with the bass on 10 and the treble turned off altogether, people whose idea of facial hair is a faint earwig on their top lip.


Older people were surprised by its sudden popularity, but not me, simply because it is impossible to be surprised by anything the earwig faces do these days, from wearing their trousers in the manner of a Los Angeles inmate, to the Bacardi bruisers they buy for their girlfriends. Who say like after every other word.


My daughter, whos a bona fide young person, has taken to wearing her school summer dress as though its some kind of bushel, with the waistline around her chest and a belt around her bottom. And anyone who chooses to do this is plainly going to make an unusual choice when it comes to saying which cars cool and which cars not.


The old Civic Type R won favour not because it was the best hot hatchback but precisely because everyones parents - me - were still harping on about the brilliance of the Golf GTI and how sad it was that Peugeot had gone off the boil.

老款EP3 TYPE R大受欢迎不是因为本身的出色,而是因为父母辈的我们一直喋喋不休于GTI的出色以及惋惜标致的退出

But once the youth moved into Honda-land they found that, actually, the Civic had a number of things going for it. It was relatively cheap to insure - and thanks to a big Honda scene in Japan there were many performance and styling parts available over the internet.

但年轻人一本田化就发现TYPE R有些不错的属性—便宜的保险以及得益于日本的本田浪潮而出现的大量网购性能外观改装件

There was something else, too. It was actually very good fun to drive. It wasnt the fastest car in the world but for the money there was very little else that could put such a huge smile on your face. The way its little engine revved, and revved willingly, to 8,250 was always a rare treat.


Even today there are global websites for owners of this pocket rocket. Every night young men are rushing back from the call centres where they work to offer and discover tasty titbits about their beloved Hondas. Kind of like, you know like say the forums. Over and over again.


So thats why your kids are going to be interested this morning in what the new Civic Type R is like. You should maybe read this out to them. They may even grunt, or if youre really lucky, shrug.

因此孩子们肯定会对新Civic Type R感兴趣。你应该给孩子们读一读。他们可能咕哝一下,运气好还会耸耸肩

Here goes then, and first of all it looks fantastic. When Honda first showed off the basic Civic a couple of years ago we were all stunned by the detailing. The triangular exhaust pipes, the door handles that appeared to have come from a 1950s fridge and of course the Space: 1999 dashboard.


But then they put their new car on the road and oh dear. To save £1.50 theyd all been fitted with the wheels from a baby buggy. So you had this huge, super high-tech body with its art deco detailing sitting on the foundations of a Silver Cross pram. And theres nothing that says Hey, Im not a serious player in the car world more than a set of inappropriately small wheels. See the old Vauxhall Nova for details.


The Type R gets round this because its wheels fill the arches properly. That simple thing, all on its own, transforms the Civic into a properly exciting-looking car. The sort of thing youd buy for your son, and then keep.


Dont, though. Because almost everything else about it is rubbish.


First of all theres the drivers seat, which is adjusted with a ratchet rather than a wheel. This means you cant fine-tune the angle of the backrest. You either sit bolt upright, like youre at the kitchen table, or you lounge, like Sylvia Kristel in those early Emmanuelle films.


Next theres the rear spoiler. From the outside it looks great, arching across the rear window like that, but from the inside it means you cannot see the car behind. You may as well use the rear-view mirror as a handy place to stick Postit notes for all the good it does.


And now we move into the realms of what you get for the money. Ill save you the bother of looking it up. Its diddly squat. Not even sat nav, which is a nuisance when youre on that big roundabout in Rugby and all the signposts are pointing to places youve never heard of. Leamington or Southam? How about neither.


Engine? Well what theyve done is taken the 198bhp unit from the old Civic and popped it, pretty much unchanged, into the new one. That, of course, would be fine if the new one weighed the same as the old one, but it doesnt. It weighs a whole lot more.


This then is like saying, Hmmm. We need a new engine to power the Queen Mary. I know.Lets get one out of that jet ski over there.


Yes, it is still a fine engine. I really do love the revviness of all those VTEC units. But the new Civic is bound to be slightly slower and slightly less economical than the old one. And wheres the progress in that Honda, with your Earth Car and your Power of Dreams ad campaign? The fact of the matter is that Ford, Renault, Vauxhall and Volkswagen can all sell you a hatchback with much more get up and go.

诚然K20A依旧是好引擎。我很喜欢夜夜笙箫引擎的高转属性。但新款注定比老款更慢更耗油。这哪儿有本田的地球车/梦之力宣传感?更何况福特 雷诺 Vauxhall和VW都能整出更有力的钢炮

Cunningly, Honda has tried to mask this lack of oomph by fitting the new Type R with a suspension system that, plainly, is made out of bricks. Even my wife, who likes hard-riding cars and thinks the Subaru Impreza is a bit soft, was alarmed by the way the Honda leapt and crashed down the road.


Me? I think its a disgrace. I dont care what its like on a track, or when its doing handbrake turns in a supermarket car park: on a normal road, on a normal day, the ride quality is completely unacceptable. Anyone whose body is held together with a skeleton is going to come home every night in several agonizing pieces.


And on top of all this the car I drove could not find Radio 2. It just locked on to Radio 1, which completed my discomfort as surely as if Id slammed my head in the door.


All things considered, then, I pretty much hated it. It is nowhere near as good as a Golf GTI because, to be honest, its nowhere near as good as walking. This, I feel sure, will guarantee its success among the earwig boys.



Overhyped by youngsters without idea of a good hot hatch


本文标题:猩氏混混车 FN2TYPER - 长篇鬼故事


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